Collaborative Systems
Collaborative Systems of Care for Youth and their FamiliesWhite Pine's staff and consultants have extensive experience assisting in the development, expansion, and sustainability of collaborative systems of care for children, families, and adults with multiple needs. White Pine Consulting Service, in partnership with Waupaca County Department of Health and Human Services, currently holds a contract with the Wisconsin Department of Health Services to provide training and technical assistance to counties and tribes developing and sustaining Coordinated Services Team (CST) Initiatives in Wisconsin.
For more information on Collaborative Systems of Care (CSOC) in Wisconsin, please visit White Pine Consulting's CSOC Resource Website:
"Enhancing the quality of life for children with special needs and their families enhances the quality of life for everyone." |
Comprehensive Community Services for Consumers across the Lifespan
White Pine Consulting provides coordination for a 6-county Central Wisconsin Health Partnership's regional Comprehensive Community Services (CCS) initiative. Support includes initial and ongoing provider training, coordination of quality assurance activities, centralization of regional information and data management, regional website development and maintenance, support of the regional CCS coordinating committee, and onsite support for partner counties.
For more information on the Central Wisconsin Health Partnership's (CWHP) Regional CCS Initiative, please White Pine Consulting's CWHP website: